If you consume a lot of true crime, you might have heard Mindy Dodd’s story before. Or at least one like it – the classic story of a housewife who, pushed too far, snaps and murders her husband. The scary music swells and the story ends neatly. The housewife is locked away. But what if that’s not the whole picture? Today’s episode is about the muddy middle that’s so often left out.
Please be aware that today’s references sexual assault and domestic violence. Please take care while listening.
A full transcript of this episode is available here.
Action Items Related to Today’s Episode:
If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence and looking for anonymous, confidential help, you can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233.
Access additional resources at the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
Support domestic violence survivors by purchasing from Gifted by freefrom.
Audio Used:
Interview with Mindy Dodd conducted by Celisia Stanton via phone, 2022-2023.
Sources Used:
Twitter: Melissa Jeltsen (@quasimado) thread on #Snapped.
The Cut: She Didn’t Just ‘Snap,’ by Melissa Jeltsen.
The Love and Justice Project: #FreeMindy.
The Tennessean: Man accused in uncle’s slaying draws life sentence, by Lisa Rose Church
Snapped Season 15, Episode 2: Mindy Dodd
FindLaw: Battered Woman Syndrome, by Lyle Therese A. Hilotin-Lee, J.D.
The Daily News-Journal: Testimony Continues in murder trial, by Lisa Marchesoni.
The Daily News-Journal: Abuse led to murder, by Lisa Marchesoni.
The Daily News-Journal: Woman guilty of first-degree murder: jury, by Lisa Marchesoni.
National Alliance on Mental Illness: Mental Health Treatment While Incarcerated.
Baltimore Sun: Killer wives went way beyond ‘Snapped,’ Susan Reimer.