When Roiann was diagnosed with early onset dementia, her sister Robin had her back, making sure everything was in order so she could live comfortably in an assisted living facility. When her other sister and mom were also diagnosed with dementia, Robin worked harder and reached deeper to support the family she loved. A problem solver, Robin had a plan to both support her family and retire happily with her husband. But then she met Isaiah, and her life and plans were irreparably changed. In this special announcement episode, Celisia has a small story and a big request.
A full transcript of this episode is available here
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Want to help Robin, Roiann, and the rest of the Gonzales family? Donate to their GoFundMe (gofundme.com/gonzales-fam)
Want to learn more about the Gonzales family and the fraud which harmed both them and Celisia? Check out Terrible Thanks for Asking’s episode, “Behind the Scammer”